Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Floral Crown

A digital illustration I created in Photoshop. Pretty pastel colours and a floral crown - I'm bored!

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Photography Experiments #5

Recently I took the decision to start shooting in RAW. What this means is that instead of my camera saving images as JPEGs where all information is compressed and mostly unchangeable, my images are now saved as DNG which allows a much wider range of manipulation that otherwise would not be editable post production such as exposure, individual hues and lens corrections. The first image is the photo sooc, the second what I was able to achieve with it, something impossible if I'd shot it in JPEG. Yay to RAW images!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Photography Experiments #4

I have been creating a series of photographs documenting a group of items linked to a particular aspect or participation. This one represents crafts. I have also documented art, makeup, cutlery, medicines and many more. Try it it! Getting a good arrangement of objects is harder than you might think.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Self Portrait

Just a simple portrait using Photoshop and my much loved Bamboo drawing tablet. I love sketching digital illustrations that look like pencil techniques. I want to draw more this summer!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

A few things I want.

1. All of the bags I own are massive for uni purposes. Need a smaller one for casual use. This looks perfect.
2. I love necklaces, and I'm trying to get into shorter ones. This geometric collar from accessorize is ideal.
3. I want to start painting water colours again. Fed up of using my kid sister's set. Best value I've found on Ebay.
Just 3 things this week. I am feeling very content with life and feel on top of the world lately. I'm having a fantastic summer with my lovely fiancee and everything feels right.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

I miss spring.

These summer days are too hot for me. I want it to be back to spring time so there is more colour and variety in my surroundings. I want blossom back. I drew some but its not the same!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Mr Fox

A very quick and messy attempt at illustrating a fox. I am beginning to assign myself mini projects to keep busy and constructive over summer. I am thinking of doing a whole set of animals and such like.